Society Church, Sacramento CA

Kingdomtide: The Desert Week 5

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Kingdomtide: The Desert, Week 5

In this teaching series, Kingdomtide, we examine how to embody the Holy Spirit in our lives to bring about His Kingdom here on Earth as it is in Heaven. This week with our Lead Pastor, Tim Coburn, we examine the plagues in Egypt from Exodus 7-13 and unpack these main points:

  1. God’s Power on Behalf of the Oppressed: How might God be using this season to reveal his justice, goodness, spiritual power and mercy? How is God at work in our personal lives inspiring us to be people of love, justice, goodness, spiritual power and mercy?
  2. Living Into Deliverance: What do you need deliverance from today? How might God be working for our freedom to live and experience a life of peace, fullness, love and friendship? 

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STEP 1- Ice Breaker

Help people to loosen up and share. It will be helpful if someone is new to go around and do names and have each person share about a question and share a bit about themselves. CLICK HERE for ice breaker questions ideas.

Scriptures from Sunday:


(Group Leader Note: Use the Learning/Living Circle to guide your discussion and application of the content. Try your best to keep the “learning” and “living” focus balanced. You use this model moving clockwise around the circle. The goal is working towards practical and personal life application.)

STEP 2- Take Time For Learning through Observation, Reflection & Discussion

(Group Leader Note: These are set questions meant to spur conversation. It may be helpful to watch/listen to the message together if people did not have a chance to listen on their own time.)

Read through the main scripture together from Sunday’s message.

STEP 3- Take Time To Process

STEP 4- Work Towards Application

STEP 5- Prayer 

Please don’t skip prayer!! Cut the discussion short if needed to pray for one another. Try one of these options, don’t be afraid to mix it up.


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