Society Church, Sacramento CA

Identity: Week 1


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Community Group Leaders Guide

Section 1 – Ice Breaker:

Ask a fun or interesting question to help people to loosen up and share. It will be helpful if someone is new to go around and do names and have each person share about a question and share a bit about themselves.

Section 2 – Review Message Content from Sunday

This portion is for your reference, no need to go through as a group, unless its necessary. The hope is that people are coming on Sunday and/or listening to the podcast before they come to group. If you need to do a review feel free to do so, otherwise start with section 3 and work through the Learning Circle together.

Message Title: Identity, An Introduction

Identity in its basic function is- 

Main Passages from the message:

John 8:12

1 John 1:5-10

Hebrew 12:1-3

Main Points from the Message:

Questions to consider from the message on Sunday (May be helpful this week)

Section 3 – Work Through the Learning Circle:

Take time to work through the Learning Circle together through the questions listed below.

Link to Learning Circle Image: CLICK HERE


Work through the learning side of the learning circle together.


Work through the living side of the learning circle together

Section 4 – Prayer and/or Meditation:

Try one of these options, don’t be afraid to mix it up.

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